Ever have one of thoughts moments where you just go "Something might be missing ??"
well that is how life has been going the last few weeks.
My life seems to be coming together, I have Gary(my lover), I have Edible arrangements(my job), I have my freedom(living in the city), I still have art by my side(my best friend). Yet i still feel a little empty. sort of like i need to be doing something that gives back.
I recently Saw a documentary call Paragraph 175 about the times surrounding WWII for gay in Germany. They all had amazing stories to tell and so many i would like to share with all of you.
I also recently read a story on-line about doing what makes u happy will improve your life and cause u to live longer. And to that i say if we all shared our stories then humility would surely be follow by peace on earth.
I try every day to share my gift with everyone with out even stating what it is. Well here on this very public forum of this blog linked to my web page, I am here to state that is am a psychic. I had my friends tell me that i am crazy until i unexpectedly say to them " some one is here from the other side his/her name is" and then for the next how ever long go in to a trans. I have been told that I name there dead pets or other things that only that person that i am connecting with would connect with.
I am glad that u have gotten to the next paragraph so I am not like that crazy bitch on TV wanting 1 dollar a second. No i have never charged any one for one ever i see it as deceitful for ppl to pay me for this carnal knowledge.
I share my gift with a few completely, Most I will have a aunt or mother come through in an elevator. And it is not like i can say to a person i am seeing for the first and only time "grandma Etta loves your new man." the western culture seems to hold u out a weirdo window for that.
Instead I will say to some one "Lovely clothes u have, u seem to be beaming" and what comes out of their mouth next is "My *** bought them for me" there by affirming what Grandma Etta just said.
Lets just get a few things cleared up about psychics. I can not read your "tea leaves" "Palm" I can not see the future and For the last time I am not a phone i can not call them up like heavens long distance line. The spirits choose when and who to come through too.
No there are not sayonease to contact them like in the movies the ppl that DO that shit want your money not to connect Grannie.
All of my life I have had a connection with the other side. I remember when i was young some one came to me in a dream. He wore a train contuctors hat. He smoked a pipe. He spoke with a very thick accent. He told me to tell my mom that she had a poppie in the the garden. I did not do it at first. he came back again the next night this time he looked right at me. With a hand he touched my chest. It left A warm plesent feeling all over my body. The next morning moring I told my mother about the man in the dream just as he asked i gave her the message.
She began to cry. She told me that man had to have been my great gandfather he was a rail road work for 40 years only his alliang health cuased him to retire and that he died a few years later about 10 years before i was born. This was some thing that i never forgotten. Greatgranpa perry never came to me agian but I am sure that it was becuse of him that I am able to expirance this gift today.