Well hello all,
As most of you know The national day of silence Was on Friday April 25th. Please click on the link for more info.
I have been very active in the community to help prevent bulling, And keep gay youth off the street. In the past I have spoke at schools and youth groups in and around the Boston area in the late 90's and up till 2001. I have maintained my website and charitable contributions for more then 10 years. The The Trevor project Is a charity very close to my heart.
The Trevor Helpline is the only national crisis and suicide prevention helpline for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth.
The Helpline is a free and confidential service that offers hope and someone to talk to, 24/7. Trained counselors listen and understand without judgment.1-866-4-U-TREVOR
It is a great charity That is in big need in these tough economical times . Please donate . Because you never know one day it might be your child that is calling the line.
The gen Y is coming closer to equality then I ever thought possible when i came out in 1992 at 14 . But we still have a long way to go to stop the violence Against GLBT youth in schools. Both verbal and physical.