Sunday, June 28, 2009

Entry June 28th, 2009 "O no he didn't"

Ok so First things First!!
I Did NOT move and i Have not even talk to James on the phone again. He is a total fucking coward. Not a real friend, or lover!! He is completely in his own world and I am very very angry about it, Cuz he made me look like a Fucking fool, I left the job, told every one i knew i was leaving Maryland and I sat there waited and he never FUCKING CALLED. SO if u know James Sawyers or are in the Winston-Salem area. He works at the panara bread. Walk-in and tell him "sky says fuck you very much" .
Now with that out of the way I have moved on with my life. I went on this website call
I messaged a bunch of ppl on there and one in particular has warmed my heart very much, Jamal. He is sweet and kind and a great kisser, and for our very first date I took him to Baltimore Pride with shawn and my self. Then he stayed over that night and i drove him back to the dc area on sunday morning. soooo total time of (first) date was 20 hours. Second date was on a wensday wich was 6 hours and the third ended just 24 hours ago was another 20 hours, You seeing a pattern here we hang out together really well, we shall see you never know, He passed the art and Shawn test with flying colors.

I went back to Durham and the offered me a job I took it, Starts Monday, I really don't want to drive 30+ miles each way every day but at least it will be some extra cash in my pocket, BTW I got my car on the road Legally (instead of just a temp tag that i had before)

On Thursday I am soooo happy to have my car

I have to thank Terry, with out your help I am so thankfull for you alowing me to store it There!!
Art for his constant financial help
Margie for taking me to the DMV
and Jerry for the Other thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am now mobile and will most certainly be planning a massive road trip very soon to visit all of you who I have not seen in like forever,
Message me for details,
love always,

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Entry for June 14th 2009 The moves and the lies frineds tell

well School is out, (ie i am laid off). Moving to Winston-Salem, Nc (hopefully tomorrow) to be with James. Last week I moved officially to arts house from eagle st where me and Robbie and Adam were living. Robbie is such a fucking lier he said o it will be OK splitting the rent after Adam moved out and instead he just fucking left me holding the bag and even moved his stuff out when i was away at work. he new i was going to be at work at the time,

Then i asked him if he wanted the dishes and flatware, (in a phone call) cups and the like and he said sure i will come pick them up next week well instead he just left them there to get throughn out by the landlord.

Did I menchen in my last post that I have a car?? Well I bought a 1991 olds cutlas ciera on craigslist for 800$ drives great just replaced the tires among other things and so i am going to drive down to winston. with half my stuff, then a week later come and get the rest of it from the storage place i rented.

One last thing I am skipping pride this year the first time i have not attended in 13 years. I was just not feeling it this year, maybe it was the endless work schedule. or the lack of enthusiasm or maybe it was that it would be only me and art.
there is always next year and i am totally going to cut a check to Walt Whitman Clinic (the benefactor of dc pride) and to GLCCB (the benefactor of Baltimore pride).

I defiantly will be posting very soon ("I got a whole lot of time on my hands") tell then


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