man what a wierd day this is turning out to be. I am sure some one is playing a cruel joke on me. frist this morning i am sitting at the comp and johnie says that becuz i do not have a car he is breaking up with me . then i find out that he has been talking with some one elsa i know that i am only in to him for his money......... naa i am not in to money at all regaurdless of who it is.
now that is why i am still single and still alone cuz i pick these children with problems. Where are all the good FEM-MEN!! Please e-mail me if u think that i am out of line.
ok now secondly why is it that the applications on line from places like Walmart, Safeway, Mcdonalnd...... and the place i want to work most at Borders. are so fucking long!! 97 pages to work at walmart I mean come on!!
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