I just got done watching Elphant. A fition based on Columbine High School "massacre". the feelings that led to Columbine have never been address by the main streamUS press.
There was 10,000 warning signs. these kids were picked on all the time, ever day going to school with a larger chip on there shoulder, with no mouth peice, no out let for these emotions.
I have been abused by my class mates.I am a surviver of bulling from a very young age. It has been years sents i have been in school. comming up on 10 years next year. The pain and the torment still survive with in me. the wanting some to not just brush it off as "kids will be kids" the mentality of theUS population. It is in no right justified for some one to go in to the school and shoot it up, but we must also never forget why they did it, What that feeling is like. Having 900 classmates and being so alone.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were not only muders they were also vitims of a system that has gay youthdoes not have enough GSA's and that has accepted bullying as "part of growing up?" When will we learn any thing from this it has been nearly 7 years sents and only thing that hs changed is security in school now u are a caged animal. There is current 12 states will legisation that would limit or outright ban Gay-Straight Alliance . That is uneceptable.
If i understand what the legilaters are saying is that u are not gay untill u are 18 And that gay youth can some how change by not talking about sexual orintaion or is it they can not vote so there opinions are not valid.
As a 27 yo out gay male I stand up to though right wing crazy ppl. I call my congress man/woman and i e-mail him/her weekly if not daily on this issue, We as a county must not forget that the scars that are made during school will last for a life time.
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