Wednesday, December 30, 2009

december 30th 2009 an update some politics for you

Hey people,
My car is back on the road, New fuel pump and filter and sending unit, It only took 4 hours in the freezing cold for me and my man to fix it!! thank you so much brian, I love you.
to day is pay day. going to be really crappy cuz of the blizzard and the missed 3 days with that!!
and tomorrow is new years eve me and shawn and brian are going to arts house to celebrate with art and Eddie arts friend down from RI for the week!!
and here is an artical i came across today could not pass up posting it here NOTE the fact as I always say "you can change the world one heart, one mind, one person at a time"

While openly gay Jacob Meister campaigns over on the Democratic side, it seems the Republican contest for the Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama is the contest with the real gay scandal. Illinois Republican Representative and active Navy Intelligence reservist kirk.jpgMark Kirk--who has voted against the homophobic Federal Marriage Amendment, and in favor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act--now has to field schoolyard taunts from one of his primary competitors, Andy Martin; the "Obama is secretly Muslim" guy.

Comparing this situation with a similar controversy taking place in the same race for the other party's candidate, openly gay Democratic primary candidate, Jacob Meister, released a statement this afternoon, saying in part:

As the only openly gay candidate for the U.S. Senate, I have experienced firsthand the bigotry and prejudice that the sexual orientation issue evokes. The subtle innuendo of the 'family values' issue, used by politicians such as Sarah Palin, Andy Martin and my opponent, David Hoffman, to infer that people who are lawfully refused the right to marry or begin a family are somehow less 'qualified' and relegated to second-class citizen status, must stop.

This is nothing less than an assault on the civil rights of all Americans, including the tens of millions of gay and lesbian people living in this country. It is appalling that we live in an America that still allows one's sexual orientation to be used as fodder for political attacks and, worse yet, as an obstacle to the civil rights availed to all of us through the constitution of the United States.

During the course of this campaign, my sexual orientation has been the source of underhanded remarks from my opponent, David Hoffman; the catalyst for a verbal and threatened physical attack toward a member of my staff; and the justification for one online suburban publication to accuse me of treason. Despite the enormous economic, national security and domestic policy challenges on which I have tried to focus my campaign - some think it more important to question someone's sexual orientation than to propose their own ideas on how to confront the many problems that desperately need our attention.

Kirk is the front-runner for the GOP nomination this February 2, and is expected to win. The Illinois Republican party quickly released a statement disavowing Andy Martin and the rumors, including this statement from party chair, Patrick Brady, "His statements today are consistent with his history of bizarre behavior and often times hate-filled speech which has no place in the Illinois Republican Party. Mr. Martin will no longer be recognized as a legitimate Republican candidate by the Illinois Republican Party." However, with a month to go, Martin will likely continue pushing the issue.

Martin is currently running the following radio ad on Chicago Tribune owned WBBM 780:

I'm Andy Martin, Republican candidate for United States Senator. I approved this message because Illinois Republicans deserve the truth about their candidates.

I have over forty years of experience and integrity fighting corruption, and fighting for the truth in politics.

I helped expose many of Barack Obama's lies in 2008.

Today, I am fighting for the facts about Mark Kirk. Illinois Republican leader Jack Roeser says there is a, "solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual." Roeser suggests that Kirk is part of a Republican Party homosexual club. Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True says Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.

Mark Kirk should tell Republican voters the truth.

I'm Andy Martin a Republican you can trust for U.S. Senator.

Please vote for Andy Martin.

Paid for by Illinois Republicans for Andy Martin.

Blatant homophobic scare tactics hardly begin to cover this.

This is a man who has brought so many frivolous lawsuits to trial that he was found unfit to practice law by the Illinois Supreme Court. In 2008 the New York Times called him "The man behind the whispers about Obama." That story stated Martin "filed so many lawsuits that a judge barred him from doing so in any federal court without preliminary approval."

Eric Elk, Kirk's campaign manager, said in a statement that "the ad is not true and is degrading to the political process. The people of Illinois deserve better."

According to the Chicago Tribune's "Clout Street" blog:

True said today that he "never made that statement" attributed to him by Martin. True said he appeared recently on a show hosted by Roeser on WIND-AM (560) and "I made a comment not about him (Kirk) at all, but that there were some people on his (Kirk's) staff that had a special orientation."

"I never said Mark was a homosexual and there's no evidence to that fact," True said in a telephone interview. "We know each other well."

The piece goes on to show us just how low Martin will go--even dropping hefty doses of antisemitism along the way [emphasis mine]:

...For decades, Martin, previously known as Anthony R. Martin-Trigona, has sought a variety of public offices as a Democrat and as a Republican.

In Illinois, he received 34 percent of the vote in 2008 in losing a two-man race for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination to the little-known Steve Sauerberg. In 2006, he got less than 1 percent of the vote in a multi-candidate bid for the Republican nomination for governor.

In federal court filings from the 1980s related to bankruptcy proceedings against him, Martin called one federal judge a "crooked, slimy Jew, who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race." He also expressed sympathy to the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

In 1999 when Martin ran for president, he aired a TV ad in New Hampshire that said GOP contender George W. Bush "had a cocaine problem" and suffered from "alcohol abuse."

Martin gained some attention during last year's presidential contest by contending President Barack Obama was a Muslim and contesting whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

During the campaign, Martin was featured on a Fox News broadcast about Obama in which Martin contended that Obama's work as a community organizer was "training for a radical overthrow of the government." The Washington Post reported that a Fox News official later called Martin's appearance a "mistake" and said the guest had not been vetted properly.

This year, Mark Kirk divorced his wife of eight years, Kimberly, but she stood by him and fully endorsed his run for the Senate when he announced his candidacy in July.

Openly gay Democratic primary candidate, Jacob Meister, hammered home the severity of anti-gay attacks like this in his public statement, earlier this afternoon in Chicago.

Whether you're a candidate for the United States Senate, a soldier in the U.S. military or an average American fighting for domestic partnership benefits, equal tax treatment, Social Security benefits or the simple right to visit a loved one in the hospital - the fact remains that American society is still one that legally discriminates against its citizens for any reason. Thomas Jefferson stated clearly that the constitution was created 'so we may form a more perfect union,' and our work will never be finished, our ideals never upheld and our responsibility as the global leader of free societies never fulfilled if we continue to allow the legal discrimination of any one of our citizens.

I got into this race to talk about creating jobs, rebuilding our economy and protecting our nation from terrorism. But it is clear that now is the time to break this barrier once and for all, and to win cleanly, the social and legal equality all gay Americans deserve. This kind of McCarthy era witch hunt has no place in American society. This is a perennial attack that cowardly politicians use every election cycle.

The wake of this incident could have far reaching effects for the campaign--especially if underdog Jacob Meister pulls out a primary win, and faces Mark Kirk in the state-wide contest.

meBil Browning: Founder and Publisher of The Bilerico Project
contact | - (317) 413-1539 | aim: bilerico3 - twitter: bilerico

hope You have a very happy new year i know i will!
sky w.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

what is love??

for thoughs of you that don't belive in love, for thoughs of you that have been hurt By love. for the rest that think it just aint in there cards. I am here to tell you it can and will happen to every one.
One small peice of advice KEEP your eyes open

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Novermber 26th, 2009 Thanksgiving morning!!

Hey yall,
I finally got a computer that really kinda moves in the the super highway!! my Compaq is wack yo!! LOL
Secondly we have a new member of our brew Ricky. He is a tattooed 26 yo white kid that has A really awesome sweet site and him and Shawn have been really getting along .
Me and Brian and Shawn and Ricky and a few others are sitting down to a thanksgiving day meal around 1ish this after noon!!
Brian and I are great!!
Shawn is still on the job hunt now along with Ricky maybe something can happen. We are really having fun hear. And with the job not taking up much of my time 15 mins each way not bad!! All I gots as time!! And now have 5 days off.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A dimond in the rough world

The courses of true love never did run smooth. Love is a treasure that is precious to keep and to enjoy. It is a canyon of the soul carved broad and very deep. Love could make the time flies and make it flow slowly. Sometimes love is forever, and sometimes it dies. It is a beautiful as a rose and yet it stings like a bee. Love can turn your life into a miracle or into a nightmare but still it worth to try and to love, because after a while it is the most amazing thing on this earth. I am here to find my true love.......... have I finally found Him!!
love you all,
sky w.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10-13-2009 wow what a month

Well friends Life is a changing. First let me tell you I was a part of history i was there at the Equality march and Rally in Washington dc last weekend pics are here. Every moment was amazing I went there with shawn and my new Boyfriend Brian

Here is a pic of Brian and I at the rally!!

he is 36 plus size 6'0" and a smile that lets the world see him shine

Brian is everything i could ever and have asked for and more. he is kind, considerate, intelligent, well read, street and book smart, a great cook and a damn good person. He helps out his friends and he is a really good at reading some ones emotions thoughts and feelings. He wants a relationship and I have falling head over heals in love with him. and he is with me too (for a change, See last post!!!)

Shawn loves him and they get along great together.

He contacted me on Adam 4 Adam asking if i wanted to come to a party he and his friends were through ing . That is kind of person he is. we have the same taste in food, tv (except degrassie and sifi) we have the similar experiences in our past. He really makes me smile and I know i make him smile too. We laugh a lot and that is so great too.

For the first time in many years i can really not have to settle or compromise he is the total package

My job is going great still just love these people they are always there when i have a question or concern. I am going to start doing a bit of chartoring again soon more news to follow on that one!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The ever changing course of love

this has been a humbling and blessed weekend, Friday Jamal "couldn't hang out", went to drinkery with art then Rodney called picked me up from there, we came back here had a good time he left at 6 am then did a day with Beth then went to pic of my best friend Shawn, then Rodney came back over we talked things over and i thought for sure we "made progress" on things, he stayed over again, Sunday morning he left smiling.
Then did the beth thing sunday mid day. then talked to rodney and it was like amethia and alot of " I feel I am leading you on. and me saying well no i don't think u are.
Then I watched one of the best movies of my life "boy culture". It really open my eyes to one thing. Had the greatest conversation with Shawn we have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cried tears of joy,

Looked at my phone and relized that yeah he is leading me on and he has no right to say one thing and do another!!

Actions speak louder then words!! cuddle kiss caress, make love, sleep together, wake up fave a bunch of pillow talk, call ever day, tell each other ever detail of our days............. and what is left to make this not already a relationship I ask?? I word, Boyfriends!!! you know who you are and u know what it is you feel then do not be shy, do not regret cuz for but one moment in time we have to get it right. and it has passed
Talk to Jamal today he is still on for the road trip, were we share a bed. He will be over this weekend. he is probable not "the one". trust is going to be theeeeeee issuse.
A change that can only be seen after it is all over.
love yall,
sky w.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just having some fun at the house my shawn on the left arts shawn on the right
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RIP - sen. edward kennedy

“An important chapter in our history has come to an end. Our country has lost a great leader, who picked up the torch of his fallen brothers and became the greatest United States Senator of our time,” Obama said.

And all of that is true and more he was not only the 3 longest severing senator in us history. he was a champion for human rights, and for a long time as a mass resident he was my senator. I remember as a child going to the Rehoboth fair and "uncle ted" was there and he was mingling with the crowd, Smiling, waving to people. That is something even at the age of 10 or 11 I have never forgotten!!

I got the txt of breaking news from msnbc at 1:36 am on 8/26/09. My phone was sitting next to my bed where i was sleeping. the text woke me up i rolled over clicked view read it, and immediately felt different inside. There are maybe a half dozen men in history that have done more for human rights the "uncle ted". even fewer that had the longevity. he began is public service career in 1962.
as MSNBC put it

For nearly a half-century in the Senate, Kennedy was a steadfast champion of the working class and the poor, a powerful voice on health care, civil rights, and war and peace. To the American public, though, he was best known as the last surviving son of America's most glamorous political family, the eulogist of a clan shattered again and again by tragedy.

With him loosing his sister just 2 weeks ago. Dare i speculate that was just to much to bare, May that not be the final straw.

And in his own sons words

"He has authored more pieces of major legislation than any other United States senator," Patrick Kennedy said. "He is the penultimate senator. I don't need to exaggerate when I talk about my father. That's the amazing thing. He breaks all the records himself." Also from the same msnbc article

and his dreams of a better future for Every one !!!

Kennedy sketched a dream of a better future as he laid to rest his brother Robert in 1968: "My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life; to be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it."
god bless the Kennedy Klan and the United States of America,
sky w.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

post for august 19th SSDD

damn how the hell has it been over 2 weeks sents i posted???

First let me say that i am a huge fan of Big brother the 24/7 reality tv show on CBS. And i am absolutely  hooked on the live feeds best 30 dollars Spent of the summer!!! i want Jeff to win so bad come on Jeff/Jordon!!!!

Ok second thing I want to say is we (Shawn and I) are still looking for a 3rd person to go with us to Roanoke pride on sept 20th we are planning on down the night before (friday) all i am asking for is to share the gas expense!! i will pay for the hotel both nights and even food!!! it is 285 miles though the beautiful fall foliage of the mountains.  

and then lets see MR CSI and i are heating things up lately. he is sooo hott and sometime i am still pinching my self like whole crap he things i am hot. but as of right now we are still officially Not dating i suppose cuddle for 4 damn hours ever time we chill is cool for now!!

Art was away for a week, he went to Rhodes Island, and me and Shawn had the house to our selves, man it is going to be soooooooooo much fun living with him again!! we spent 7 solid days 24 hours a day around each other and actually did not get on each others nerves. we made each other laugh a lot!! and watched a lot of GTM's (gay themed movies). and drank 10 gallons Of cool-aid!!!! no really we did!!

After like 5 years Jared IMed me. I was shocked giving the fact that such time had passed I thought he might be either locked up or dead. he is still in love with and wants to be back with me. That will never EVER happen but at least he is a friend. 

peace for now!!

sky w.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Entry for august 03, 2009 Chesaspeake Pride 2009 and other stuff

Well lets see Chesapeake Pride 2009, was a huge blast a great time. it was held at mayo beach, down south of Annapolis, md. There was vendors and a drag show and well Tom Goss. I was supposed to go with Shawn, Elmo, and Victor. But Victor did a no call no show. and that was really fucked up.
So when i went to pick up Elmo on Friday I just got the scenes that he was not one of a kind, he is a run of the mill ghetto fem gay. But whatever he is Shawn's acquaintance. He has a large penis, so i was told did not unfortunately get to see it first hand.
We came backto my place, Elmo proceeded to watch 3 HOURS of porn and i still did not get to see it. (cock tease).
Finally went to bed At 12:30 in the morning, woke up at 7 am got the car all ready and jumped in the car with Shawn and Elmo a little after 10 for the 47 mile drive to mayo beach,
got there and the wanted 5 dollar donation per person!! i gave them a five and parked and then parked my happy ass on the beach!!
met a few cool ppl and saw tom preform at about 5:15 with Mara levi she preformed her HOMO song (wich u can hear on her website) Click the link she is my favorite local lesbian singer/ songwriter , Tom sounded great and i got a chance to sing some of the words with him.
Me and Shawn may go see him in roanoake, va pride on September 20th
After the show me and tom hung out for a min.
Then Shawn, Elmo and I got back in the car and drove back to Baltimore. to drop off Elmo, Thank God!!!
then back to Aaron's for some chill time.
I hope yall check the links to hear some cool gay local music and sign up for there mailing lists too!!!
lots of love,
sky w.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

thursday july 30th 2009 Stupid yahoo blogging

Hey yall,
this morning when i went to fix the problem with the links to my blogs on my website i realized the had made them all private
AND !!!!the only way to see them was to have an account fuck that shit I left there asses and opened up a blog account and moved everything here,
Why must yahoo keep pissing of their loyal users?? I have been a member sense November 27th 1997!!
OK so now that is out of the way,
welcome to the new home of sky's crazy life blog.
also cool is i can blog from my phone!!
and this web-host has been around for ever!!
peace out,
sky w.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Entry for July 14, 2009

a crazy weekend of ups (i got me a new radio installed in my car) Thanks Art!!!
and well the relationship with Jamal fizzaled after i found out that he was a partial closet case and was in fact not a bottom as he had told me.
he is 28 yo and has a stable life great job ........ and quote "to lazy to come out completely". As my friend/co-worker pointed out i will not be someone misters. I live my life out loud and proud, I surround my self with ppl that are out and i preach coming out. for me to be with some one that is not out would make me a fucking hypocrite. And i am never ever going to be that.
The fact is that when you lie to ppl about your sexuality (by not saying you are gay) you keep us oppressed and you keep our rights to be treated equally a far distant dream and not closer to a reality.

Facts= some one that knows a gay person, is far less likely to discriminate
some one that knows a gay person, is far more like likely to support gay marriage
some one that knows a gay person, is more likely to support enda

"I got a millions behind me, and a million more to go"
Come out, be truthful, don't lie to ppl
sky w.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Entry June 28th, 2009 "O no he didn't"

Ok so First things First!!
I Did NOT move and i Have not even talk to James on the phone again. He is a total fucking coward. Not a real friend, or lover!! He is completely in his own world and I am very very angry about it, Cuz he made me look like a Fucking fool, I left the job, told every one i knew i was leaving Maryland and I sat there waited and he never FUCKING CALLED. SO if u know James Sawyers or are in the Winston-Salem area. He works at the panara bread. Walk-in and tell him "sky says fuck you very much" .
Now with that out of the way I have moved on with my life. I went on this website call
I messaged a bunch of ppl on there and one in particular has warmed my heart very much, Jamal. He is sweet and kind and a great kisser, and for our very first date I took him to Baltimore Pride with shawn and my self. Then he stayed over that night and i drove him back to the dc area on sunday morning. soooo total time of (first) date was 20 hours. Second date was on a wensday wich was 6 hours and the third ended just 24 hours ago was another 20 hours, You seeing a pattern here we hang out together really well, we shall see you never know, He passed the art and Shawn test with flying colors.

I went back to Durham and the offered me a job I took it, Starts Monday, I really don't want to drive 30+ miles each way every day but at least it will be some extra cash in my pocket, BTW I got my car on the road Legally (instead of just a temp tag that i had before)

On Thursday I am soooo happy to have my car

I have to thank Terry, with out your help I am so thankfull for you alowing me to store it There!!
Art for his constant financial help
Margie for taking me to the DMV
and Jerry for the Other thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am now mobile and will most certainly be planning a massive road trip very soon to visit all of you who I have not seen in like forever,
Message me for details,
love always,

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Entry for June 14th 2009 The moves and the lies frineds tell

well School is out, (ie i am laid off). Moving to Winston-Salem, Nc (hopefully tomorrow) to be with James. Last week I moved officially to arts house from eagle st where me and Robbie and Adam were living. Robbie is such a fucking lier he said o it will be OK splitting the rent after Adam moved out and instead he just fucking left me holding the bag and even moved his stuff out when i was away at work. he new i was going to be at work at the time,

Then i asked him if he wanted the dishes and flatware, (in a phone call) cups and the like and he said sure i will come pick them up next week well instead he just left them there to get throughn out by the landlord.

Did I menchen in my last post that I have a car?? Well I bought a 1991 olds cutlas ciera on craigslist for 800$ drives great just replaced the tires among other things and so i am going to drive down to winston. with half my stuff, then a week later come and get the rest of it from the storage place i rented.

One last thing I am skipping pride this year the first time i have not attended in 13 years. I was just not feeling it this year, maybe it was the endless work schedule. or the lack of enthusiasm or maybe it was that it would be only me and art.
there is always next year and i am totally going to cut a check to Walt Whitman Clinic (the benefactor of dc pride) and to GLCCB (the benefactor of Baltimore pride).

I defiantly will be posting very soon ("I got a whole lot of time on my hands") tell then


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Entry for May 09, 2009 "Seasons of change"

Well this is the weeks of great change in my life , let me first start out by saying, On April 1 st Adam moved out and away (see previous post) then in April it be came apparent that I was not going to be able to pay Aprils rent,Not that big of deal i could have maid a double payment in May.

After a lot of him ming and hawing, I had to make a decision that will forever change the course of my life I decided that the relationship that has lasted THE LONGEST OF MY LIFE, James sawyers and I are getting back together after 10 years, and “so many roads”.

With that decision came logistics and moving times, He is currently in North Carolina and me in Maryland, I decided what I was going to do was wait till after the school year was up, June 11 th , and my settlement came in ( some time in June too). Pay off the rest of the lease and move to North Carolina.

Wanting to express this to then roommate Robbie I sad to him OK look I know that you are busy and I am busy lets take some time and talk about this on may 1 st , A Friday. Well instead he decided to blow me off that day and he waited till 2 days later tell me he was moving out, Effectively killing our 2 year friendship. Of course I am not capable after just getting back to work after that accident to carry all the bills this place generates. So I am left with no choice but to get evicted, move back in with Art till the end of the school year and then move again to North Carolina.

Thus requiring me to spend money on a car now to commute from Columbia to Whitemash . And spend money to move 2 times!!

That is why the title of the post is season of change, with so much change going on around me and with me. I feel sometimes as if I am being punished some how.

Why in just the last 6 months I have had the Adam saga, the Horrible accident, Adam bailing, falling behind on the rent, a friends betrayal, and an impending eviction.

I am not as good at adapting to change as I once loved change all the time, I am old, wiser and not as to be up route my ties to the community or routine.

I was just watching what is likely the end of scrubs show. And I cried like a baby at the end. Cuz I know it will be very hard for me to say goodbye to some of the people I currently work with We spend an average of 70 hours a week together around each other and 4 hours a day we are just shooting the breeze. And trust me you get to know a lot about a person when u spend 20 hours a week “just talking”.

The routine at work is the only thing that has been routine in my life, And I woke up this morning realizing that June 11 th will be here in 4 weeks and 5 days.

After that everything will be changed..........................

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Entry for April 01, 2009 the calm lonely feeling

today I woke up at 4:30 am instead of my normal 4 am set my alarm wrong,
I turned the light on and listened and realized he was gone........ came down stairs turned the lights on sat in quietness.
caught the bus.
came home after work in the morning talked to Robbie till he went to work. locked the door behind him and started to clean the whole house. took all of Adams things and packed them in to bins i am taking it to him this summer,
realized how empty my living room is with out all of his junk in here, cleaned MY ROOM. packed up all the odds and ends he had in there and put them in the basement.
now i realized that Tomorrow it will still be calm and quiet just not the same as the first day i realized i am alone again.

I am OK with being alone till tonight when i came home from work and the house was still and no lights were on and when i walked in no one said good evening, how was your day...... that has been the hardest part of my first day alone.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Entry for March 31, 2009 A day of 2 parallels

it's been along time,

today I realized that i had not posted in a really long time. What i
have learned. has forever changed my life for the better the lesson
is.............. No matter how much you love someone, no matter how
much you care about some one, no matter all the shit that you have been
through in the passed, no matter how long you have known some one, you
can not save some one from them selves, and you can't save the world.

on February 21st after a pain staking agonizing 5 week of discussions
both internally and externally with many friends on many
night............. I broke up with Adam for a second time. the reasons
are many no job, no income to speak of expect 300-400 a month.
his "not following through" his constant questions about my whereabouts
24/7. his constantly expecting me to pick up the bills he could and
would not pay for on his own.

well this makes it tougher for me and Robbie we 3 are roommates.

bills split 2 ways is more money
today Adam moved out. He did this with little fan fare and absultluy no direction or long term place to stay. Art is taking him to the airport tomorrow morning and after that he is just winging it !!!

the second part of my day I got my cdl B Bitchs!!!!!!!!!!!!with p and s endorsements I
passed with the skin of my teeth. I can drive anything besides a

i am so excited i finally am done with shitty jobs. i can now sit on my ass and get paid.

more details to follow ..............

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