Well lets see Chesapeake Pride 2009, was a huge blast a great time. it was held at mayo beach, down south of Annapolis, md. There was vendors and a drag show and well Tom Goss. I was supposed to go with Shawn, Elmo, and Victor. But Victor did a no call no show. and that was really fucked up.
So when i went to pick up Elmo on Friday I just got the scenes that he was not one of a kind, he is a run of the mill ghetto fem gay. But whatever he is Shawn's acquaintance. He has a large penis, so i was told did not unfortunately get to see it first hand.
We came backto my place, Elmo proceeded to watch 3 HOURS of porn and i still did not get to see it. (cock tease).
Finally went to bed At 12:30 in the morning, woke up at 7 am got the car all ready and jumped in the car with Shawn and Elmo a little after 10 for the 47 mile drive to mayo beach,
got there and the wanted 5 dollar donation per person!! i gave them a five and parked and then parked my happy ass on the beach!!
met a few cool ppl and saw tom preform at about 5:15 with Mara levi she preformed her HOMO song (wich u can hear on her website) Click the link she is my favorite local lesbian singer/ songwriter , Tom sounded great and i got a chance to sing some of the words with him.
Me and Shawn may go see him in roanoake, va pride on September 20th
After the show me and tom hung out for a min.
Then Shawn, Elmo and I got back in the car and drove back to Baltimore. to drop off Elmo, Thank God!!!
then back to Aaron's for some chill time.
I hope yall check the links to hear some cool gay local music and sign up for there mailing lists too!!!
lots of love,
sky w.
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