Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Entry for September 10, 2008 2 days till moving day!!!

hey ppl,
First let me start by saying I-tunes 8 sucks just as much as 7.x did. I was so hopeful too.
2nd, Friday Adam, Robbie And i move in 2 our brand new 1,700 sq ft Row home in Baltimore Friday. (there will be lots of pictures on here and on my website in a few weeks).
3rd The trucker called me this morning wild cuz i have not heard from him in months, He is all healed (well as much healing as u can after falling 22 feet and landing on your head). He is back on the Road amazingly.
Any one reading this want to help me and adam move saturday e-mail me please!!!
that is all i have now for now
sky w.

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