Sunday, May 6, 2018

From 2014 still as true today

It is a sad reality that racism, and fear of ESL( English second language) people is alive and well in America in 2014...however In my America I don't care what language you speak, where you're from,  who you fuck. the color of your skin or the skin of who you love , or where you were born ... We all come here and are here for the same purpose to further our financial security and for Prosperity and if you have kids you're here to give them a better life. 

The actions of someone I've known for more than 15 years tonight has shook me to the core but those core beliefs will never change.

I will seek out and find people like me. I know we are the majority. I know we are compassionate. I know we are not alone.

To my ESL friends I want to learn your language

To my African American friends I am so sorry for the misdeeds of my ancestors torture and murder and rape of your entire continent.

To the Sikhism family that took me in, in South Bend Indiana in Oct 1999 thank you I'm still alive  because your generosity.

What I woke up this morning I didn't know that this would be one of those days that define who you are as a person when I go to bed tonight I will know I have forever been changed by this experience.

We all bleed the same blood we're all born and we all die and we all want one thing in this world above all else...... Happiness......

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